The Proptech Cloud

The Proptech Cloud

Powered by Data Army

The Proptech Cloud strives to foster a data-driven community and empower businesses that work with proptech data.

What is the proptech cloud?

The Proptech Cloud is a growing community powered by Data Army. The Proptech Cloud online hub centralises educational content, property data listings and the latest insights, trends, and advancements in the world of data powering real estate.

We also play an active role in the dynamic proptech space; participating in events, contributing to the evolving dialogue, offering training, fueling innovation in property and supporting the community to thrive.

Why Data Army launched the proptech cloud

At Data Army, we understand the important role that data plays in decision-making, in driving deeper insights and developing innovative solutions to complex problems. 

Seeing an opportunity to facilitate the exchange of property knowledge and data to advance proptechs, improve problem solving and encourage collaboration, Data Army launched The Proptech Cloud in 2023.

The Proptech Cloud was created to offer a platform where property specialists and organisations can exchange proptech expertise, information and data listings to uplift organisational expertise and advance their work in property and real estate.

The Proptech Cloud

What you’ll find on The Proptech Cloud

  • Specialised industry knowledge, how-tos, expertise and insights in the Blog
  • Data sets in its Data Library
  • Data apps used for data processing, analysis and transformation in the Data App Library.

We also offer a number of datasets on the Snowflake Marketplace from The Proptech Cloud.