Cloud Migration

Data Army advises the best cloud migration strategy to guide businesses in successfully migrating their solutions to the public cloud.


Data Army works with businesses to understand what they’re trying to achieve before guiding them in migrating their solutions to the public cloud.

The cloud can be a confusing place. While many companies want to reap the efficiencies, scalability and cost benefits of moving to the cloud, the reality is many companies don’t know where to start when it comes to utilising these new services.

Data Army’s experienced consultants and architects can advise on the appropriate strategy depending on a business’ needs and requirements, as well as identify if a new data or technology solution is the best way forward.

Rehost (or Lift and Shift)
For businesses migrating from traditional on-premise servers and data centres who want to migrate within a short amount of time, rehost may be the right choice.

Replatform (or Lift, Tinker and Shift)
Similar to rehost, but with optimisation to the environment during migration.

Repurchase (or Drop and Shop)
Moving to a different product.

Refactoring / Re-architecting
Re-imagining how data and applications are architected and developed, typically using cloud-native features.

Completely retire the solution.


Switching to the cloud can often remove costly up-front, maintenance and licence fees. The below comparison is a simple example of where cost savings* can be realised when migrating a single database function to the cloud.


On premise hardware, running SQL server standard edition with associated licences for 20 users.

per month

Server e.g. Dell EMC
PowerEdge – $6K or $100 pm
(5 yr).

SQL Server 2017 Standard – $1380 or $115 pm (1 yr).

SQL Server 2017 CAL licence – $540 pm for 20 users (1 yr).

Windows Server 2016 – $12.50 pm (1 yr).

Server space, cooling, administration, support, utilities, servicing – $?


WS hosted Relational Database Service with migrated SQL licences and no database administrator costs.

per month

AWS RDS with similar compute/memory (m4.2 xlarge).

Migrate SQL server standard licence across.

On-demand only database instance available 12 hour pd (60 hours pw).

Up to 50gb transfer in and 50gb transfer out per month.

Up to 50gb general purpose
storage per month.


AWS hosted Relational Database Service with MySQL and no database administrator costs.

per month

AWS RDS with similar compute/memory (m4.2 xlarge).

MySQL instance.

On-demand only database instance available 12 hour pd (60 hours pw).

Up to 50gb transfer in and 50gb transfer out per month.

Up to 50gb general purpose
storage per month.

*Comparison is an example only and based on published vendor costs at time of writing. Unknown operating costs, compute/memory/usage requirements and business case will impact figures.

Want to understand how we can help your business with its data needs? Contact us