Carbon Footprint Data Made Easy

FootprintLab provides easy to use, credible and affordable carbon data to track environmental footprints of industry activity and empowers businesses to deploy climate solutions.


Professional, Scientific & Technical Services (Environmental Sustainability)

AWS S3, Opensearch, API Gateway, Cognito, Lambda, and Snowflake


FootprintLab’s curated data is world class, developed in cooperation with the University of Sydney and UNSW. So good, it’s used by the United Nations, the CSIRO, Climate Active and in a large range of peer reviewed scientific journals. So hard to make, they depend on decades of research, and high-performance computers to get it right.

FootprintLab sought Data Army to assist them in making their data globally available over an application programming interface (API) and help build a data platform that can scale in line with their business.

Visit FootprintLab’s website to understand what they do:

Carbon data


  • Making data available globally and at scale
  • Handle unpredictable (‘spikey’) usage whilst keeping costs minimised
  • Cater for ever-increasing data volumes and data complexity

“Data Army took the time to understand what we wanted, kept the project within scope and budget, and added significant value with their expertise and suggestions. The integration with Snowflake is something we wouldn’t have thought of, but it has added another distribution channel for our product. They patiently responded to our requests and provided a thorough handover. Couldn’t ask for better.”

— Tim Baynes, Co-Founder & Director, FootprintLab


  • FootprintLab’s groundbreaking data is available to the world for use in innovative solutions to drive down emissions and create a more sustainable planet.
  • Data is secured from unauthorised use using Amazon Cognito with integrated authentication and authorisation mechanism to handle bespoke entitlements for different subscriptions.
  • FootprintLab has the capability to share data on mass via the Snowflake Marketplace, reaching a global audience and granting access with a click of a button.
  • Users can explore the data using various search phrases leveraging OpenSearch’s full-text-index


FootprintLab Solution Diagram

AWS was selected as the Cloud platform of choice due to it’s extensive services, in particular the Serverless services that work so well for scale-ups like FootprintLab.

Snowflake was selected as the Data platform for enrichment. Snowflake is easy to use, massively scalable and has capabilities for future AI/ML integrations. The added bonus of the Snowflake Marketplace for bulk integrations also provides another channel for FootprintLab.

After enrichment, data is returned to AWS for loading into OpenSearch using serverless services: S3, Lambda, SQS.

The REST API is serviced by API Gateway with Cognito integrations for authentication and authorisation.

Want to understand how we can help your business with your data needs?
Contact us to receive your free initial consultation.